University Of Alkafeel
University Life
Scientific Research

Registration Starts Registration Ends Tip

On September of Every Year

On November of Every Year

1- General conditions for admission:
  1.  To have an Iraqi preparatory school certificate, or an equivalent certificate supported by the approval of the General Directorate of Education in the governorate, and according to the admission entries for each specialty .
  2. To be born in the year 1990 upwards.
  3.  Students who have graduated from the academic year (2019-2020) compete exclusively for admission to the Dean’s Universities/Faculty of General Medicine and Warith Al-Anbiya University/Faculty of Medicine Graduates of professional centers (Al-Mu’tasim Center, Al-Waleed Center, Al-Moataz Center) and professional centers in which the study period is three years and have taken the ministerial exam (baccalaureate) exclusively are entitled to apply to universities and private colleges according to the inputs for each specialty.
  4.  To be full-time for study and it is not permissible to combine a job and study (at the same time) in universities and morning colleges, and this includes employees of all government institutions, provided that they continue to study to obtain a study leave from their departments starting in accordance with the instructions in force, It is also not permissible to combine two studies, and in case otherwise proven, write to the Ministry / Department of Education Al-Ahly University has the right to cancel its admission.
  5.  Should pass the medical examination according to the conditions for each study, and the blind student (who meets the conditions) has the right to apply for the appropriate humanitarian studies.
  6.  The accepted student is entitled to In one of the private universities/colleges for previous years, applying to another department in the same college according to the inputs and terms of application for the year (2020/2021). li>
  7.  The student is registered in the event that he is accepted into another university/college, studies outside Iraq, or obtains an appointment after submitting a written request to that effect by the student within a working week period from the date of submission.
  8.   The student accepted in government universities and colleges has the right to apply for admission to private universities and colleges according to the electronic form and the principle of differentiation and according to the inputs and terms of application for the year (2020/2021), and the student’s file will be delivered according to a record of delivery and delivered by those authorized to do so within a period not exceeding (60) days from the date of issuing the admission order, otherwise the university / college shall bear the responsibility The consequences of that.
  9.  The student who has been promoted in one of the private universities/colleges has the right to apply again according to the electronic form and the principle of differentiation and according to the inputs and terms of application for the year (2020/2021), provided that the student does not apply For admission to the same department in which he was promoted.
  10.  The private universities/colleges are not allowed to receive any amount of tuition fees or the so-called insurances from the student before his admission to the university/college appears, nor is he entitled to collect any sums Ministers, those of their rank, members of Parliament, those with special degrees, and members of provincial councils are not entitled to apply for admission to the morning study.
  11.   Students of the Kurdistan region who are graduates of middle school (recognized by the Ministry of Education) apply for admission to private universities and colleges.
  12.  After accepting students, university orders are issued to universities and administrative orders to colleges that include the names of accepted students and are submitted to the Ministry After submitting it to the college council for approval.
  13.  . The data of students admitted to private universities and colleges for the academic year 2020-2021 are checked with the Private University Education Department and according to the contexts determined by the department later.
2- The general principles adopted by the admission system:
  1.  Adopting the electronic form for the purpose of applying to private universities and colleges.
  2.  Adopting the principle of comparison with the average for admission to the morning and evening studies.
  3.  The student has the right to write Only four options in the electronic form.
  4.  The student is accepted according to the options indicated in the application form. The student's submission of the electronic application for admission to universities and private colleges is not binding on the Ministry in accepting it, but depends on its competition and comparison with the rest of the students.< /li>
  5.  (8%) of the foreign language degree added for any year of graduation is calculated and added to the student’s total, not his average (as in the example).
    • Student’s total score: 560
    • < li>French score: 90
    • 8% of French score 90 * 0.08 = 7.2
    • The student's total after adding French becomes 567.2
  6.  Be a tide The application will be submitted within (10) working days, starting from the date of launching the electronic form.
  7.  One grade will be added to the average of the advanced student from the successful in the first round of the preparatory branches (scientific / literary / industrial / commercial / agricultural / Islamic / Computer and Information Technology Branch/Applied Arts/Teachers Institute/Nursing/Midwifery and Obstetrics) Students who have obtained a technical diploma are denied this advantage.
  8.   Technical universities for admission to the corresponding specialization (for the institute’s certificate), provided that the student brings his graduation document from the institute, where the competition is conducted on the basis of an average and a preparatory certificate.
  9.  Students from institutes (diploma holders) are entitled to 20% The first to apply in universities and private colleges with a specialization corresponding to their studies at the Institute, taking into account that they are not granted the advantage in paragraph (d above), where competition is conducted on the basis of the institute’s average. The (20%) is calculated for each specialty separately with algebra of the fraction of the number for the benefit of the student (Example: In the major in which the number of first round graduates is (43) students 9 students are nominated)
  10.  If the student is accepted into more than one seat (morning, evening), his acceptance will be based on the seat in which the student is registered and his name will be deleted from the other seat.
  11.   The student must review the body in which his acceptance was shown for the purpose of registration within a period not exceeding (10) working days, otherwise his acceptance will be canceled.
  12.  The fraction (0.5 and above) in the average is done in the interest of the student for the purpose of submission.
  13.  The student has the right to choose one of the two privileges below:
    1. The privilege of accepting the children of faculty members and the children of graduate degree holders in other ministries.
    2. The privilege of martyrs' families.
  14.  The student who benefits from the privilege of the children of faculty members, the children of graduate degree holders in other ministries, or the families of martyrs, has the right to apply to the public channel via the electronic form.
1- General conditions for application:
  1.  Have obtained an Iraqi preparatory school certificate, or an equivalent certificate or an equivalent certificate supported by the approval of the General Directorate of Education in the governorate. >
  2.  It should not be accepted in another study, as it is not permissible to combine the two studies, and if this is proven, the student will bear the legal consequences, including the cancellation of his acceptance. For each study, the blind student (who meets the conditions) has the right to apply for appropriate human studies.
  3.  The student’s study is not transferred from morning study to evening study except through the private university education department exclusively, provided that the department is provided with the order of his appointment and the condition of availability Absorptive capacity during the registration period.
  4.  Ministers and those of their rank, members of Parliament, those with special grades, and members of provincial councils are entitled to apply for admission to the evening study only.
2- Controls General evening studies:
  1.  The university calendar is the same announced in public universities / morning and evening studies.
  2. The start of the official working hours is at 2:00 pm.
  3.  The commitment to make the final exams unified (with the same copy of the questions) for the evening and morning studies, for the first and second cycles and for all academic levels, and the university/college bears the legal consequences. In the event that this is not implemented.
  4.  All university / administrative orders related to the admission of direct students for the academic year 2020/2021 shall be issued no later than 01/31/2021 with copies of them being provided to the Private University Education Department.
1- The mechanism and controls for applying for students from the families of martyrs who are covered by Law (57) of 2015, (2) of 2016 and its amendment Law (2) of 2020:
  1.  The categories covered by these controls are: Each of:
    1. The families of the martyrs of the victims of the crimes of the dissolved Baath Party.
    2. The families of the martyrs of the Popular Mobilization.
    3. The families of the martyrs of the victims of war operations, military mistakes and terrorist operations, in addition to the wounded who are covered by the law (57) for the year 2015 (the same injured).
  2.  A percentage of (10%) is allocated outside the student admission capacity for each of the above categories
  3.  The tuition fees for students with martyrs’ families for the three categories above shall be (50%) of the tuition fees for each department in each university / private college.
  4. The principle of competition is based on average for the purpose of admission within this channel.
  5.  Students with martyrs’ families compete for admission to:
    1. Medical group (medicine, dentistry, pharmacy) at rates 5 degrees lower than the minimum admission rates for the academic year (2020/2021).< /li>
    2. Other majors with averages less than (8) degrees than the minimum limits for the academic year (2020/2021).
  6.  The student must fill out the electronic form for the families of the martyrs, then print the form and review the Martyrs Foundation for approval electronically by the Martyrs Foundation (the student must follow up on his account daily to verify the status of the authentication that It confirms its submission on the channel of the martyrs’ families).
2- The mechanism and controls for submitting the children of the teaching staff in the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the children of certificate holders in other ministries:
  1.  The children of the teaching staff are accepted in private universities and colleges according to the following:
    1. If the student is one of the children of the teaching staff who are owned by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research or the private universities and colleges affiliated with the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research who are continuing in service or are retired In addition to the deceased (who served as teachers in the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research).
    2. Students who are members of the teaching staff are entitled to apply to private universities and colleges with acceptance rates that are five (5) degrees lower than the minimum rates announced in the Guide The electronic student for the academic year (2020/2021) after completing Provide the university / the private college with a letter confirming his continuation of service at the university or college, or that he is retired or deceased.
  2.  Children of graduate degree holders are accepted in the rest of the ministries from those who continue to serve or retired. In addition to the deceased, with acceptance rates less than (5) five degrees than the minimum rates announced in the electronic student guide for the academic year (2020/2021) after the university / the private college is provided with what supports obtaining a higher degree and a letter supporting his continuation of service or his being retired or Deceased.
  3.  The application is made through the electronic portal prepared for this purpose and through the electronic form for the channel of the sons of the faculty members and the sons of holders of higher degrees in the rest of the ministries. The university / the private college bears the responsibility of checking the letter of support that shows that the father of / The student’s mother is a teacher in the Ministry of Higher Education or a certificate holder in the rest of the ministries before activating the student’s form on this channel.
  4.   A percentage of (5%) is allocated from outside the absorptive capacity of each department in each university / private college. ) out of plan for the children of members of the The teaching staff and the sons of holders of higher degrees in the rest of the ministries, bearing in mind that the priority in the competition on the number of seats is for the children of the teaching staff in the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.
  5. The principle of competition is based on average for the purpose of admission within this channel.
  6. /ol>
    3- The mechanism and controls for applying to the media channel:
    1. The student must be born in 1991 downwards.
    2.  The media person is allowed to apply to the media channel if He had 10 years of service in the media field, regardless of his scientific background (what is meant by graduates of all professional studies, teacher institutes, institutes of fine arts), except for students who graduated from Islamic studies, schools affiliated with endowments (Shiite and Sunni), and tourism and hotel institutes.
    3. < li> The student shall bring a letter of endorsement certified by the Syndicate of Journalists and the media agencies in which the student has been working for the 10 years, submitted to the university/college through which the application is to be submitted.
    4.  The student brings a recommendation from two of the following: Pioneers in the field of media certified by the Syndicate of Journalists The electronic channel of that channel, provided that the student reviews the university / the private college through which the application is being submitted, accompanied by the above documents, in addition to the endorsement of grades to ensure that the student has a middle school certificate or its equivalent and the identification documents in order to activate his application form.
    5.  The private university / college bears the responsibility of checking the student's documents and documents before activating his application on this channel, provided that the procedures for the validity of issuing documents and documents are completed at the university / college in which he is accepted.
    4 - The mechanism and controls for applying to the athletes channel:
    1.  The athlete is allowed to apply to the athletes channel, regardless of his educational qualifications, after he brings a letter of support exclusively from the Olympic Committee, in which he affirms that he is one of the champions in the Olympic Games and is excluded from Those students are graduates of Islamic studies, schools affiliated with endowments (Shiite and Sunni), and tourism and hotel institutes. Provide the student with a book entitled to the Department of Private University Education.
    2.  The submission of students to the athletes channel is through the electronic form of this channel, provided that the student reviews the university / private college through which the application is submitted, accompanied by a book The Olympic Committee, in addition to supporting the grades, to ensure that the student has a middle school certificate or its equivalent and the identification documents in order to activate his application form.
    3.   On the athletes channel, provided that the procedures for validating the issuance of documents and attachments are completed at the university/college where they are accepted.

    5- The mechanism and controls for accepting graduates of the Institute of Police Commissioners :
    1.  The admission of graduates of the Institute of Police Commissioners to evening studies is exclusively in humanitarian colleges in accordance with Article (29) of the Law of the Institute of Police Commissioners Preparation No. (2) of 2003.
    2.  It is forbidden to host the accepted student to the morning study for any reason.
    3.  The Ministry of Interior supports Pakta Official b issued by the office of the administrative / technical agent exclusively, no objection to the party to which the applicant is affiliated with the evening study and according to the time period specified by the National University Education Department, as well as the validity of the issuance of documents and the year of graduation.
    4.  The accepted student is subject to the controls of the examination instructions. No. 134 of 2000 Regulations and Instructions for Student Discipline No. 160 of 2007.
    5.  The admission of the student shall be by submitting it on the electronic portal of the Private University Education Department.
    6- Acceptance Political prisoners according to Law No. (35) of (2013) amended:

    Those included in this channel are the political prisoner, the political prisoner, and the Rafha detainees who were imprisoned, arrested or detained under the former Baath regime.

    1.  The person covered must have a certificate of preparatory study for the branches (scientific, literary, vocational and Islamic preparatory schools) and they are accepted according to the inputs of each corresponding major.
    2.   Outside the admission plan of departments in private universities and colleges in evening studies.
    3.  Students covered by admission to this channel are determined by an agency Only political prisoners are held by political prisoners, and the application is to the universities and private colleges through which the application was submitted after providing them with the decision of the Special Judicial Committee.
    4.  Students are accepted on this channel with a difference of (8) degrees from the minimum application.
    5.  The admission of the student shall be by submitting it on the electronic portal of the Private University Education Department.
    7- The mechanism and controls for applying for the free grant for admission to the medical group (general medicine, dentistry, Pharmacy):
    1.  The application is made online through the online portal of the Private University Education Department ( 
    2.  The total of the student applying to the faculties of dentistry/pharmacy should not be less than (540), i.e. an average of (90%), and the applicant to the Dean's University / College of General Medicine should not be less than (558), i.e. an average of (93%). .
    3.  The student must be a graduate of the preparatory school for the academic year 2019-2020 exclusively.
    4.  Students applying on other admission channels are entitled to apply on the above channel.
    5.   li> The competitive average = (100%) the student's average in middle school + (25%) other added degrees
    6.  Applicants on the government private education channel are not entitled to apply on this channel.
    • The division of grades (25%) is as follows:-
    • First: (4-10) grades if the student is a martyr or an orphan... is distributed as follows :

      1. The student from the families of the martyrs/ This is confirmed by a letter from the Central Martyrs Foundation exclusively. The grades are distributed as follows:

        1. ‌ (10) Ten degrees if the martyr was the student's father.
        2. (8) Eight degrees if the martyr was the student's mother.
        3. (6) Six degrees if the martyr was the student's brother.
        4. li>
        5. (4) Four more degrees (the student's grandfather).
      2. The orphan student/ This is reinforced by submitting the original death certificate. The grades are distributed as follows:
      3. < li

      4. ‌ (9) Nine degrees if the student is an orphan by the father.
      5. (7) Seven degrees if the student is an orphan from the mother.
< li>Second: (3-5) degrees if he is a person with limited income... Distributed as follows:

    1.  ‌(5) five degrees in full if he The father and mother are unemployed and have a letter from the Municipal Council to that effect, or have a Social Welfare ID issued by the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs.
    2. (3) Three degrees of other cases.
    3. Third: (4-5) grades if the student or one of his relatives is a volunteer in the ranks of the Popular Mobilization / This is reinforced by a letter from the Popular Mobilization Authority / Central Administration exclusively... Grades are distributed as follows:

      1.  (5) Five degrees if the student was the one who participated in the ranks of the Popular Mobilization.
      2.  (4) Four degrees if the student's father was in the ranks of the Popular Mobilization.
      3.  (4) li>
    4. Fourth: (5) grades if the student (himself) has special needs.
    5. 8- Acceptance of students (20%) The first graduates of institutes (diploma holders).
      1.  The top (20%) is calculated for each specialization separately, with c Justify breaking the number for the benefit of the student (Example: In the major in which the number of first round graduates is (43) students, 9 students are nominated).
      2.  b. It is possible to include graduates of the second round and for cases in which the examinations of the first round have been postponed to the second round for absolutely valid reasons According to Paragraph (10) of the Examination Instructions No. 134 of 2000 in force, provided that their averages are not less than the minimum acceptable rate in the first round, with the above-mentioned acceptance rate as well. The morning community and the graduates of the evening institutes in the universities and the evening private colleges according to the corresponding majors.
      3.  The student is not entitled to combine study and a job in the morning study.
  • 1- Documents required for registration and registration mechanism

    The student submits to the entity to which he is nominated the following documents:

    1.  The original preparatory study document supported by the approval of the General Directorate of Education in the governorate Or the originals of the other documents (according to the admission channel) duly attested no later than 06/15/2021 and submits a written undertaking to do so to the college registry, otherwise his acceptance will be revoked.
    2.  A color copy of the citizenship certificate and civil status identity Iraqi or unified national card.
    3. T‌. (3) recent photos.
    4.  Medical examination form (according to the Health Fitness Regulation No. 5 of 1992 and its controls and conditions), taking into account the following:
      1. The student will not be registered in the event of failure to submit The above-mentioned form is never mentioned.
      2. The original of the form must be submitted and a copy of it is not accepted.
      3. The examination result is noted by the body to which the student is nominated directly, and in the event that he is not fit for the study to which he is being nominated, he is approached " Department of Private University Education" To consider his acceptance according to his health fitness.
      4. The student has the right to appeal the results of the examination to the Committees Section / Appeal Committee in the Ministry of Health through the body nominated for admission.
    2- Cases of Admission Cancellation

    The student’s admission will be canceled in the following cases:

    1.  If the student does not register in the (university/college) to which he is nominated within ( 10) working days after announcing the results of admission.
    2.  In the event that it is proven that any of the general or special conditions for admission to the study are not met.
    3.  If the student provides information or documents that are not True, forged or distorted to the (university/college) he writes to the ministry to cancel his admission even if he is in advanced classes or graduated from the university or college, and all legal measures are taken against him.
    4.  If the student does not submit the original study document The preparatory school reinforced by the approval of the General Directorate of Education in the governorate leads to the registration of the college until the beginning of the second semester, provided that the registration department informs the student of no less than (3) three times, and the period between one notification and another is (15-30) days.
    5. < li> Issuing orders for students whose admission has been canceled in the event of failure Thakagahm and not to delay it to issue more than one month from the date of maturity.
    1. The student creates his account within the system using his effective mobile number and chooses a password to be able later to enter the central admission system for private education.
    2. The student activates the notification services, electronic reservation and communication from Through SMS messages so that the student can use these services during the application stage, data matching and registration.
    3. The student fills in his data by starting with choosing the graduation party and then following the system instructions during the process of filling in the data and according to the requirements of each category From the categories of students.
    4. The system provides a special interface for electronic reservation to manage reservations to review the private university education department or audit centers in private universities and colleges and according to the requirements of each category of students.
    5. The data matching process is For students who are graduates of the Ministry of Education and who have the exam number and password, the student does not need to review the audit centers in private universities and colleges.
    6. For all other categories of students who do not have exam numbers and secret numbers or who do not have secret numbers in Never, the process of matching the data is through booking an electronic appointment to review the audit centers in private universities and colleges.
    7. In the event of a defect in the student’s data, the student must book an electronic appointment with the Private University Education Department for re-audit.
    8. If the student needs to review the Private Education Department, this is by booking an electronic appointment and choosing the reason for the review.
    9. After matching the data, the student can start the application process by filling out the electronic forms by 4 Options within the general channel for submission Add two forms for those covered by the application within the private channels.
    10. Students covered by the application within the private channels must activate the channels through the private channels window within the system to allow them to start the application process within these channels.
    11. For students covered by the application within the Al-Shuhada channel, the application form for this channel, which is located within the student control panel in the field of private channels, must be completed by the institution, after which the institution will be reviewed to approve the form and activate the channel.
    12. For students covered by other private channels, The student must choose the channels The event and booking an electronic appointment with the audit centers in the universities and private colleges, accompanied by the documents related to the channel to activate it.
    13. The student can cancel his forms during the application stage (withdrawal during application) through the application window within the system and by a maximum of 4 attempts. Top.
    14. The system conducts the differentiation process in a dynamic and timely manner, where the students’ acceptances appear according to their choices in the application forms and the results are constantly updated throughout the application stage.
    15. The registration stage begins after the application stage ends, where The student collects (the registration code) and goes to one of the departments in which he was accepted to complete the registration process.
    16. After the student completes the registration process in one of the departments in which he has been accepted, his admission options are canceled, to allow the rest of the students the opportunity According to the results of the comparison process.

    Study Fees & Scholarships
    Dentistry College
    10،000،000 Morning
    Science / Biology
    Min Rate
    Morning 82.5
    Pharmacy College
    10،000،000 Morning
    Science / Biology
    Min Rate
    Morning 82.5
    Law College
    1،350،000 Morning
    1،000،000 Evening
    Science / Arts / Biology / Literature
    Min Rate
    Morning 64.5
    Evening 64.5
    Computer Engineering Techniques
    2،000،000 Morning
    2،000،000 Evening
    Biology / Arts / Science / Industrial Prep / Graduates of Vocational Training Centers
    Min Rate
    Morning 59.5
    Evening 59.5
    MHT College /Dept. of Radiology and Ultrasonography Technologies
    3،250،000 Morning
    2،500،000 Evening
    Biology / Science
    Min Rate
    Morning 62.5
    Evening 59.5
    Valedictorian Discount
    50% Morning
    50% Evening
    Biology / Arts / Science / Industrial Prep / Graduates of Vocational Training Centers
    Min Rate
    Morning -
    Evening -
    Academic Discount / Salutatorian
    30% Morning
    30% Evening
    Biology / Arts / Science / Industrial Prep / Graduates of Vocational Training Centers
    Min Rate
    Morning -
    Evening -
    Academic Discount / Honors
    20% Morning
    20% Evening
    Biology / Arts / Science / Industrial Prep / Graduates of Vocational Training Centers
    Min Rate
    Morning -
    Evening -
    MHT College /Dept. of Anesthesiology
    4,000،000 Morning
    Min Rate
    Morning 69.5
    MHT College /Dept. of Medical laboratory Technology
    3،000،000 Morning
    2,500,000 Evening
    Science / Biology
    Min Rate
    Morning 69.5
    Evening 64.5


     First: General Conditions for Transfer

    • Successful students have the right to transfer to (private universities and colleges) and the corresponding departments and branches after obtaining approval The original college to which it is intended to move is according to the capacity.
    • Students have the right to transfer between the corresponding colleges in the universities of the same governorate and the same university.
    • Students of the first and completed academic year in the colleges are not transferred. Medical faculties have completed an academic year for this purpose only.
    • Hosted students are entitled to transfer for two years or more in the completed academic years, provided they succeed in the current stage (the year of application) if the hosting is between two private faculties.
    • Ensure the correct procedures for issuing the graduation document for preparatory study from the college to which the student is transferred in the event that it is not completed from the college from which he is transferred until the date of his transfer.
    • New students admitted to the central admission are allowed to transfer from the morning study to the evening study corresponding and in the department Views in the same year of their admission, and for students of other grades They are allowed to move to the corresponding department according to the absorptive capacity.
    • Transfer procedures start from the original college exclusively, and the no-objection communications from it are to the corresponding college, provided that the study materials passed by the student and the number of study units are attached with the application and a letter of no objection.
    • The transfer order for the student from his original college is issued after the issuance of a letter of no objection to transfer from the college to which he is to transfer, and it is not permissible to register the student in the college to which he is to transfer except after the transfer order has been issued and he has separated from his original college.
    • >
    • The student must complete the registration procedures at the college/institute to which he is transferred within a week from the date of the issuance of an order to transfer him from his original college, otherwise he will be considered failing in his class.

    Second: Transfer Controls For compelling reasons

    Priority shall be given to the transfer of students who have been exposed to the following cases, while adhering to the above-mentioned controls:

    • Student who is exposed to the loss of one of the parents (in the same year of transfer). He has the right to transfer to the corresponding study in (colleges / institutes) located in his place of residence after submitting the following documents: She decided that.
    • A married student during the study period is entitled to move to a similar study in the governorate of the husband’s residence after submitting the required documents.
    • A student who separated from her husband during the study period due to divorce or death is entitled to She may move to a similar study in the governorate of her family’s residence after submitting the required documents.
    • Student with a chronic disease after submitting a no-objection letter from the original university and submitting a medical report from the permanent medical committees in the governorate and certified by the medical committee In the Faculty of Medicine at the university.
    • The injured student who was subjected to shelling, shooting, or similar accidents and became permanently disabled.
    • The student who supports his family due to the loss of one of his parents is entitled to transfer to study The debate in his place of residence after submitting proof of this.
    • Students of the families of martyrs included in Laws (2) for the year 2016 and (57) for the year 2015.
    • The University Council may consider humanitarian cases in Cairo It does not include the students of the first and ending academic years with the above.
    • The concerned college shall be responsible for the authenticity and authenticity of the submitted documents and attachments. 

    Third: Transferring students from government colleges to private colleges

    A successful student from the first to second academic year only and who has not failed in the previous year or is currently enrolled is allowed to move from public universities, morning or evening, to the corresponding study and specialization in private universities and colleges. 

    Fourth: Controls for students' transfer to and from the universities of the Kurdistan region

    • Transactions are promoted exclusively with universities that have completed recognition procedures from the Ministry.
    • Non-promotion of the transfer transaction for students of the first and ending academic year.
    • Students of the first year of study in institutes are allowed to transfer from the institutes of the Kurdistan region and vice versa after obtaining a no-objection from the two institutes.
    • It is done. Transfer or host students, taking into account the above and according to the corresponding specializations, according to the form prepared for this purpose, where the transfer transaction begins from the original (college / institute) and is accompanied by receipt. A copy of the transfer certificate with a photocopy of the middle school certificate and a list of the subjects studied by the student in the grades he passed for approval in the scientific clearing and sent directly through the university / technical universities from which he is transferred to the university he is transferred to. and provide them with copies of these correspondences for their review and to ensure the accuracy of the implementation of the instructions. 

    Fifth: Regulations for hosting students

    • The decision to stop hosting students in the corresponding disciplines in other universities will continue to apply to all batches of students accepted from the academic year (2017/2018).
    • The hosting includes only successful students to the ending academic year as well as postponed students. And those who failed at that stage.
    • For students currently continuing in colleges in which the study period is 5 or 6 years, it is only allowed to host students of the fourth, fifth and sixth academic stages, taking into account that the hosting years do not exceed two years.
    • < li>Students are hosted to and from the appropriate studyA look at the private colleges affiliated with the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, according to the powers of the university presidents and within the narrowest limits.
    • A student may not be hosted for more than two academic years, due to the necessity of the student completing at least (50%) of the required academic hours. In the college from which he will graduate.
    • It is not possible to host students studying in the faculties affiliated to the two endowments to the corresponding departments in the public and private colleges affiliated with the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.
    • Scientific clearing is made for the hosted student from His original college, so that hosting the student outside the college does not entail asking him for more than two academic subjects and for all hosting years.        & nbsp; & nbsp;

    & nbsp; Sixth: Controls for transferring student study from morning to evening study

    • It is not permissible to combine a job with morning studies in any case.
    • Evening studies start at 2:00 p.m.
    • A student may not be transferred from studies From morning classes to evening studies, unless he was appointed in that year.
    • If the student is accepted and was an employee, the approval of his department must be obtained in order to provide study conditions and calculate the certificate.
    • The student’s study is transferred only Through the private university education department exclusively.

    Cooperation Agreement with the Gulf College in the Sultanate of Oman
    Memorandum of Understanding with University Putra (UPM) Malaysia
    Twinning agreement with the University of Northampton, UK
    Scientific and cultural cooperation agreement with Ferdowsi University in the Islamic Republic of Iran / Mashhad
    Memorandum of Understanding with Ferdowsi University in Mashhad, Islamic Republic of Iran
    Cooperation Agreement with the Islamic University of Lebanon

    International Students
    1. Incoming students are subject to the same controls and instructions as students studying inside Iraq, except for the added language privilege and the privilege of first-round graduates.
    2.  The international student is allowed to apply only if he has equalized his certificate in the year of application. Exclusively.
    3.  The morning and evening studies are submitted through the electronic portal prepared for this purpose.
    4.  The incoming student has the right to apply to study on any of the admission channels available in the morning and evening studies, just like that. Students who graduated from middle school inside Iraq.
    5.  A foreign student with martyrs’ families has the right to apply to study on any of the available admission channels (morning or evening studies) just like the students who graduated from middle school inside Iraq.
    6.  The student should review the Department of Studies, Planning and Follow-up / Immigrants Division within a maximum period of (30) thirty days from the date of his registration in private universities / colleges, bringing with him the documents shown below. Otherwise, his admission will be revoked. Prep) original duly certified with three color copies.< /li>
    7. The certificate equivalency book issued by the Ministry of Education and a colored copy thereof, provided that it includes the amended book and the total obtained by the student and that the date of its issuance is in the year in which the student applies for admission.
    8. Civil status identity and citizenship certificate The Iraqi or (unified national card) with a color copy.
    9. The original passport and its colored copies (entry, exit and residence visas in that country), or proof of the student’s presence outside Iraq from the Ministry of Immigration and Displacement (who do not have a passport)

    1. Acceptance in accordance with the programs and agreements in force with Arab and foreign countries (cultural exchange).

    2. Acceptance of children and wives of diplomats working in Iraq.

    3. Admission at own expense.

    1. The student must have an Iraqi middle school certificate or its equivalent.

    2. The certificate of the non-Iraqi student will be equalized by the Iraqi Ministry of Education / General Directorate of Evaluation and Examinations.

    3. No more than three years have passed since the student’s graduation from preparatory studies for the two channels of cultural exchange and the sons and wives of diplomats working in Iraq, and no more than four years have passed since the student’s graduation for the student of special expenses for admission to the morning study, with the exception of those who are accepted in the study Evening.

    4. The student must meet the minimum admission requirements for the college and university in which he wishes to study, according to the choices shown in the application form and according to the order of desires.

    The minimum admission is as follows< /p>

    * 91% for medical specialties.

    * 81% for engineering specialties/medical health technologies.

    *  51% for pure sciences.

    >  27% of law/political science.

    *  21% for other disciplines.

    5. The same tuition fees are collected from students accepted on the morning private government education channel for students applying for admission on the private expense channel for the morning primary study mentioned in paragraph (3/first) above. As for those applying for evening studies, the same fees are collected from the evening study students.


    6. Those who are accepted into evening studies are excluded from the graduation year requirement.

    7. Submission of a health certificate confirming that he is free of diseases, as well as his success in the medical examination according to the conditions for each study.

    8. The student or the official entity nominated for him shall pay the annual registration fee at the beginning of each academic year in foreign currency or its equivalent in Iraqi dinars and according to what is agreed upon in the executive program between the two countries.