University of Baghdad
College of Medical and Health Technologies
Histopathology & Medical Plant
Effect of using different level of Barley with (Pleurotus Ostreatus) instead of corn in diet of Broiler chicken on the immunity and Histological change in Bursa Fabricius gland

Effect of of supplementation of different levels of Hayicinth (Einhhornia
Crassipes) powder on villi of Jejunum of Broilers Chicks

Survey study about the association between (Epstein Barr Virus) (EBV) infection and breast cancer attending Al–Sadder Teaching Hospital in Al-Najaf Al-Ashraf during years 2017

Effect of using different level of water Hayicinth (Einhhornia Crassipes) herb powder in villa of ileum intestine of rat
1. Anatomy and histology - first stage
2. Histological diseases - third stage
3. Anatomy and medical terminology - first stage
4. Advanced tissue diseases - fourth stage
5. Medical pesticides - fourth stage
6. Animal production - fourth stage