University Of Alkafeel
University Life
Scientific Research
Asst. Prof.Dr Ali Ahmed Hussein Al-Mayali
Assistant Dean for Administrative Affairs

Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University

College of Pharmacy


- An auxiliary methodological book in the field of magnetic water treatment.

Approved and approved by the Deans Committee and the Academic Supervision and Evaluation Body.

- An economic study to increase agricultural production and address the problems of salinity and drought using magnetic techniques.

- A study on the possibility of expanding the cultivation of stevia in Iraq

- A study on reducing the time period between seed planting and seedling emergence through the seed activation process.

-A study on gene banks and their role in developing the agricultural sector.

- Studying the cultivation of the medicinal Gujarat plant in Iraq and extracting medically effective compounds for use in treating diseases.

1- Environmental Study of Genetic Behavior of Oil and Protein Ratio with Correlation Yield of Zea maize L

2- Evaluation Of The Growth Of Tomato Plants (Lycpersicon Esculentum Mill.) Cultivated In Different Types Of Greenhouses Organic Fertilizers
{Plant Archives}

3-Evaluation of the performance of four genotypes of Corn (Zea mays L.) and path coefficient analysis by Bacterial biofertilizers effects
{Eco. Env. & Cons.}

4-Effect of Variety And Planting Date on Growth and Yield of Barley (Hordeum Vulgare L.)
{Plant Archives }

5-Effect of Bio-fertilizer, organic manure, Nano Zinc Oxid and interaction on the growth parameters for Sunflower plant Helianthus annuus L.
{Journal of Kerbala for Agricultural Sciences}

6-Effect of Cyanobacteria As A Biofertilizer on Qualitative and Quantitative Characteristics of Tomato Varieties

7-Effect of putrescine and type of light in callus of Gardenia Jasminoides L. content from some effective medical compounds
{IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering}

8-Reversed phase liquid chromatographic-ultra violet detection and evaluation of phenolic antioxidants in fresh rosemary leaves and determination of antibacterial activity of extract.
{AIP Conference Proceedings }

9-Effect of Bio-fertilizer, Organic Matter, Nano Zinc Oxide and Interaction on the Yield its Components and Oil Yield for Sunflower Plant L. Helianthus annuus.
{Indian Journal of Ecology}

10-Effect Of Humic Acid, Phosphate Fertilizer Addition And Planting Spacing On Growth Characters And The Content Of Effective Medical Materials Active Ingredients Of Mustard Plant.
{journal of kerbala university}

11-Effect of algae and Bio-fertilizers on some growth characteristics and yield of wheat Triticum aestivum L. {Journal of Kerbala for Agricultural Sciences}

12-Effect of Spraying with Amino Acids (Tryptophan and
Glycine) and Nano-Potassium on some Vegetative Growth
Characteristics of Stevia Plant (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni)
{IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science}

13-Determination of Enzyme Activity and Vitamin Content of
Moringa Oleifera Lam. in Response to Glutathione and
Biofertilizer under Water Stress
{IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science}

14-Effect of Proline in the Effective Medicinal Content of Datura stramonium
Plant Callus Grown in Saline Media In Vitro
{Latin American Journal of Pharmacy
(formerly Acta Farmacéutica Bonaerense)}

15-Effect of Jasmonic Acid on the Content of Medicinally Active Substances
in Rosemary Leaves Grown in Contaminated Soils
{Latin American Journal of Pharmacy
(formerly Acta Farmacéutica Bonaerense)}

16-Role of Nano Organic Fertilizer in Improving Content of Rocket
(Eruca sativa Mill) Varieties from Some Secondary Metabolism Compounds
{Latin American Journal of Pharmacy
(formerly Acta Farmacéutica Bonaerense)}

17-Response of the Chemical Content and Medically Active Substances
in the Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni) Plant for Spraying
with Amino Acids and Nano-potassium
{Latin American Journal of Pharmacy
(formerly Acta Farmacéutica Bonaerense)}

- An employee at the College of Medicine / University of Karbala / Scientific Affairs 2010

- An employee at the College of Medicine / University of Karbala / Administrative Affairs 2011

- Director of the Office of the Dean of the College of Medicine, University of Karbala / year 2011 - 2013

- An employee in the office of the President of the University of Karbala, 2013

- Citizen E-Government Unit Officer, University of Karbala / 2015-2021

- Director of the Citizens Affairs Office, University of Karbala / 2015-2021

- Director of the Office of the President of the University of Karbala 2016 - until now

- Secretary of the University Council 2019 - until now

- Teaching the subject of medical drugs in the College of Pharmacy

- Teaching plant physiology in the College of Science

- Teaching the subject of medicinal plants in the College of Science

- Teaching medicinal plants to postgraduate students

- Supervising graduation research for bachelor’s students

- Supervising postgraduate students

- Participation in graduate student discussion committees

-University coordinator with the Ministry

-Member of communication between the university and the governorate

- Central Appointments Committee

- Central examination committees to supervise the conduct of examinations in private universities and colleges, as well as supervising the colleges of the University of Karbala.

- Chairman of the Bid Analysis Committee.

- Chairman of the Pricing Committee.

- Preparatory committees for university conferences.

- Reproduction committees

- Chairman of the committee for completing the job number for university employees

- Follow-up committees to evaluate punctuality and use of electronic platforms.

- Supervising committees for evaluation examinations in private universities and colleges.

- The coordination committee between the university and the higher authority, which supervises teaching training. And university employees to participate in the 2022 elections

- Member of the Central Crisis Cell Committee at the University Presidency