Educational Dental Clinics Receiving “9218” cases during 2023-2024
2024 - 05 - 06

The dental educational clinics of Alkafeel University announced that there are “9,218” medical cases during the academic year 2023-2024 treated in their clinics and such a number reflects the great demand for its various services. Lect. Dr. Moayed Fadhel Zwain, director of the clinics, said that the services provided include a wide range of treatments, such as extractions, fillings, orthodontics, and full and partial dentures.

     More precisely Dr. Zwain also pointed that there is a special section for caring for and cleaning children teeth, where students in the fifth stage of the College of Dentistry provide technical treatments under the supervision of specialized professors, which gives the students practical experience and ensures the quality of service. He stressed that the materials used in the treatments come from approved international sources to guarantee the quality and safety of the treatment.

 Here the director , Dr. Zuwain, stated that the clinics take strict measures to protect patients and students to ensure a safe environment for everyone. For the variety of services provided and strict supervision, University of Alkafeel does , the clinics become the promising destination for many patients aspiring for high-quality services in the field of dentistry.