Alkafeel University in National , Regional and International University Rankings
2022 - 08 - 06

Alkafeel University is ranked as 6957th  internationally , as 427th  continentally and as 62nd  nationally out of 122nd  Iraqi universities in the Ranking Web of Universities, second edition 2022. 

Such a type of ranking of the Higher Center for Scientific Research in Spain, issued biannually , is based on certain indicators considering the web presence of universities via their web domains to measure the percentage of their impact (50%), openness (10%), and the excellence of scholarly research articles (40%). 

     It is stated that the Web Ranking of Alkafeel University for the first edition of 2022 was ranked as 8702 internationally  and as 62 out of 119 Iraqi universities , thus the university wins 1745 scores internationally . More triumphantly the Alkafeel University registers for many international and local rankings and gains advanced ranks.