Third Student Conference to a Close !
2023 - 05 - 10

The academic  activities of the third student conference , by University of Alkafeel , for two days, were concluded on Wednesday 10 May 2023, the under the direct sponsorship of University chancellor , Prof.Dr. Nawras Mohammed Shaheed Al-Dahan , under the title “Scientific Research: Derivation and Creativity”. The participating universities are as follows  the University of Kufa, Jaber Ibn Hayyan Medical and Pharmaceutical University and our university , university of Alkafeel . Certain specialized committees that consisted of  college of medicine, college of dentistry, college of pharmacy, college of Engineering, college of Law, College of Health and Medical Technologies discussed the graduation projects the students submitted to .The evaluation was conducted according to scientific standards and regulations.

All these events and conferences aim to provide an opportunity for students to engage in scientific research standards , encourage them to be creative and innovative, develop their scientific capabilities, show their abilities for self-learning and self-confidence, integrate them into learning the principles of scientific research and the various ways to communicate with others and work as a team to qualify them for the academic or professional labor market. .

    At the end of the conference activities, the University of Alkafeel chancellor honored the discussion committees, supervisors and students who won the first positions . The names of the outstanding students were announced and the deans and teaching staff members were honoured with certificates of appreciation for their efforts.