Session on Latest Developments in Treating Parkinson
2024 - 04 - 07

In an effort to enhance medical awareness and scientific knowledge, the College of Pharmacy at University of Alkafeel organized a seminar on the treatment of  Parkinson's disease  on Sunday, April 7, 2024. The seminar was delivered by Prof. Dr. Mohammad Dakhil Al-Rikabi, head of the Clinical Pharmacy department, who provided a comprehensive discussion on the medical and anatomical foundations of the disease's progression and the latest updates in available treatment protocols. This seminar is part of a series of events aimed at providing necessary knowledge and scientific updates in the field of pharmacy and drug sciences. The event was well-received by the specialized audience who engaged in active discussions and exchanges on treatment topics and care for this disease, which poses a particular challenge especially for the elderly. The seminar saw the attendance of an elite group of faculty and staff members, who enriched the discussion with their valuable contributions and diverse scientific expertise. This academic initiative reflects the college's commitment to providing the highest level of academic and scientific services and strengthens its role in supporting medical and pharmaceutical developments to meet current health challenges and provide comprehensive healthcare to the community.