Researcher Presenting Semantic Study on Cultural and Literary Education Spaces
2024 - 06 - 28

Dr. Ali Abdul-Fattah Al-Hasnawi, a researcher in linguistic studies, presented a paper titled "Spaces of Cultural and Literary Education from the Harmony of Linguistic Opposites" during his participation in the research session of the Imam Ali (Peace be upon him) Scientific Conference. This conference is a part of the activities of the Second International Imamate Week, organized by the Holy Al-Abbas Shrine on the slogan "Prophethood and Imamate: Two Single-Rooted Palm Trees beyond Chasm”  an entitled " Curricula of Imam to Educate Individual and Nation." The event starts as of June 27, 2024, to July 4, 2024, at Al-Kafeel University.


    Al-Hasnawi explained that the study is rooted in the steadfast and profound words of the Commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali (Peace be upon him), as stated in "Nahj al-Balagha." Examples include his sayings, "If my feet were to be firmly established on these slippery places, I would change many things," and "If you had seen what those who died among you have seen, you would be anxious and terrified."

    He added that Imam Ali’s (Peace be upon him) use of the construction "لو قد" contrasts with traditional Arabic grammatical rules, which typically imply impossibility or hypothetical conditions. This raises grammatical questions that contemporary grammarians need to review and address.

    Al-Hasnawi pointed out that the research highlights the miraculous significance of Imam Ali's (Peace be upon him) words, along with literary additions that reflect a deep cultural and intellectual understanding. This contributes to enhancing awareness of Islamic heritage and deepening its comprehension.