University Of Alkafeel
University Life
Scientific Research
University of Alkafeel Holding a Meeting with Teaching Staff
2024 - 09 - 14

University of Alkafeel held ubiquitous meeting today, Saturday, 9/14/2024, headed by the respected Prof.Dr. Nawras Mohammed Shaheed Al-Dahan, the rector of the University, the respected vie-rector for scientific affairs , Prof. Dr. Nawal Ayed Al-Mayali, , the deans of colleges , their vice-deans and heads of departments and branches.

    In his opening speech, Prof.Dr. Nawras Mohammed Shaheed Al-Dahan stressed his deep thanks to the teaching staff for their efforts and dedication in serving the university and students. He also conveyed the greetings of the legal custodian of the Holy Al-AbbasShrine, Seid. Ahmed Al-Safi (may his glory last), manifestoing the importance of continuous cooperation to enhance the level of education at the university.

    The meeting included discussing the study plans for the new year : reviewing the observations drawn from the past academic year, and addressing the preparations for organizing the Sixth International Scientific Conference, which is a major step towards developing scientific research at the university.

    The university rector also stressed the moral values of students and the role of the university in establishing them, considering them the basis for forming an integrated academic personality. He stressed that the university seeks to employ the latest technological methods in education to improve the quality of academic outputs, in line with the vision of the Holy Abbas Shrine in graduating a qualitative generation capable of facing future challenges.

   The discussions also included scientific workshops and seminars that contribute to developing the skills of the student skills and enhancing their capabilities after graduation, updating curricula ,new laboratories and modern technologies.

At the end of the meeting, the deans and teaching staff stirred some questions and inquires to develop  the educational process at the university . It was also agreed to continue periodic meetings to trace the implementation of plans and evaluate them in the light of academic performance.


It is worth noting that this meeting is held twice a year, at the beginning of the new academic year and at the end of the first semester, with the aim of evaluating performance and updating educational plans in line with the needs of students and the university.