University Of Alkafeel
University Life
Scientific Research
University of Alkafeel Conducting Awareness Lecture on Effect of Radiation
2024 - 12 - 29

As part of the ongoing scientific and awareness activities, the Department of Anesthesia Technologies at the College of Health and Medical Technologies in University of Alkafeel , organized a lecture : "The Effect of Radiation on the Human Body".

    The lecture was delivered by Asst. Lect. Alaa Saad Obaid on Sunday, 12/29/2024, to familiarize participants with the dangers of radiation and its effects on the human body .

There was an overview of the different types of radiation that a person may be exposed to during his life, whether natural or artificial, and the extent of the variation in their effects, which may be simple or dangerous, reaching fatal effects in the event of exposure to large quantities or high doses.

   The lecture recommended the necessity of reducing exposure to radiation to the lowest possible level except in extremely necessary cases, with a focus on the importance of staying away from all sources of radiation and adhering to preventive measures when dealing with radiation.

    Such an activity comes as a part of the efforts to enhance health awareness and public safety among students and society, and to emphasize its role in raising the level of awareness of health risks and preventive measures.