In 2015 all UN member states adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals, as a global call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030.

What are the sustainable development goals?

In 2015 all UN Member States adopted Sustainable Development goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals. Ensuring peace and prosperity by 2030.

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals are integrated – that is, they recognize that action In one area, it will affect the results in other areas, and that development should.

A balance between social, economic and environmental sustainability. through pledge by not leaving anyone behind, countries have committed to accelerating progress for those who are in the back yet. 

This is why the Sustainable Development Goals designed to make the world turn to zero in many aspects of life changes, including extreme poverty, hunger, AIDS and discrimination against women and girls. In a way that changes life for the better.

Eradication of poverty

The first goal is to eradicate poverty in all its forms everywhere. The essence of sustainable development is to provide people all over the world with the support they need to get rid of poverty in all its manifestations focus.

The first goal is to eradicate poverty through interlinked strategies, including strengthening social protection and employment systems decent work and building the resilience of the poor people.

Al-Kafeel University provides assistance to attend the university because of poverty especially for students with low incomes who receive aid financial due to poverty and also has programs to address poverty, including:

  • It has targets to accept students who are vertebrae in the country.
  • Offering programs to help students who are vertebrae in order to complete their studies.
  • The university prepares plans to provide free education or scholarships to students from countries with low income.
Total Eradication of hunger

The second goal is to eradicate hunger and provide food security and nutrition

improving and promoting sustainable agriculture. The second goal addresses the human need essential for access to healthy nutritional food, and the means by which

the need is secured in a sustainable way for all.

It can be achieved through increased food production alone. The factors represented

in well-functioning markets, the incomes of private farmers increase smallholdings, equal access to technology and land.

Additional investments have their role in creating an active and productive agricultural sector that shows food security as Al-Kafeel University offers to reduce student hunger:

  • Program applied to food insecurity/starvation for students.
  • Provides interventions to target hunger among students and staff.
  • Provides sustainable food options for all, including vegetarians and vegans.
  • The university provides healthy and inexpensive food for everyone in the university.
  • The university provides access to food security, knowledge, skill and technology in sustainable agriculture for farmers to produce food.
  • The university provides meetings for farmers and food producers for communication and knowledge transfer.
  • The university provides access to its services (laboratories, techniques, plant stores) for artisans and producers to improve the practice of sustainable agriculture.
Good Health and Wellbeing

The third goal is to ensure that everyone enjoys healthy lifestyles and well-being at all ages as the third goal addresses all major priorities in health and advocates for improved reproductive, maternal and child health; ending infectious diseases, reduce non-communicable diseases and other risks health.  Ensuring that everyone has access to safe, effective, quality medicines and vaccines and affordable prices, as well as providing health coverage for them. 

To support for good health and well-being:

  • The university has cooperation with local or international health institutions to improve outcomes Health and safety.
  • The university conducts awareness programs and projects in the local community (programs of Student volunteering) for the development of health and safety.
  • The university allows its sports services to be shared with the community, for example, public schools. 
  • They also have a smoking permission where there is a designated smoking area.
  • Providing students with access to sexual health care services and venerealism, including information and education services.
Quality Education

The fourth goal is to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and to promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. It is to ensure that all people have access to quality education and opportunities for lifelong learning. This goal goes beyond mere school attendance, looking at levels of competence, availability of trained teachers and adequate school facilities, and disparities in educational outcomes. 

Al-Kafeel University for Quality Education:

  • The university provides access to learning resources for people who are not studying at the university.
  • The university hosts public events (public lectures, educational and cultural events for the community).
  • The university hosts events for the general public such as executive education programs and vocational training (courses for people who do not attend university).
  • The university conducts educational outreach activities (such as ad hoc lectures or demonstrations) off-campus, for example in local schools, in the community, including student-run voluntary schemes.
  • The university has a policy agreement to access these services for all, regardless of gender, race, religion, etc.
  • The acceptance rate of students at Al-Kafeel University is 1412 students of both genders.
  • The number of students graduating from Al-Kafeel University is 1188 students of both genders in 2021.
Gender Equality

Goal 5 means achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls, and gender inequality persists around the world, this deprives women and girls of their basic rights and opportunities. It will require achieving gender equality and empowering women and girls to do more active, including in providing the necessary legal frameworks to address of gender-based discrimination that is often ingrained and It is often caused by patriarchal attitudes and associated social norms out. 

Al-Kafeel University for Gender Equality:

Gender Equality

  • The university guarantees females the right to access higher education, as the university does by tracking and measuring the percentage of female applicants, the rate of acceptance and enrollment in the study,

Study completion rate

  • The university offers mentorship programs, grants, and specific support (for females).
  • The university encourages programs conducted by females within certain subjects and which don't have enough knowledge.
  • Al-Kafeel University provides opportunity for females to work in senior positions.
  • Al-Kafeel University offers salaries based on experience and certification and not gender biased which allows females to receive equivalent salaries as males.
Clean Water and Sanitation

The sixth goal is to ensure the availability of water and sanitation services for all its management is sustainable, and the sixth goal aims to address the challenges relating to the availability of drinking water, sanitation and hygiene of the population, as well as water related ecosystems. And if you don't check the quality and sustainability in water resources and sanitation, progress will be held back many other areas of the Sustainable Development Goals. 

Al-Kafeel University for clean water and hygiene:

  • The University of Al-Kafeel has clear and sterile water, where the water used in
  • The university is either extracted, treated, collected from rainwater and reused/recycled water.
  • Water use and care as the university has a process in place for water treatment sewers also have processes to prevent contaminated water from entering the water network, including pollution resulting from accidents and accidents at the university.
  • The university provides drinking water sources for students, staff and visitors.
  • The university applies standards in construction in order to reduce water consumption.
Affordable and Clean Energy

The seventh goal means to ensure that everyone has an affordable access to services modern, reliable and sustainable energy. Also it means expanding opportunities to have electricity, fuel, and clean technologies for cooking, as well as improving energy efficiency and increased the use of the renewable energy. To achieve this goal, bolder financing and policies are required, along with countries preparedness to adopt new technologies on a much more ambitious scale

  • The university has an applicable policy to ensure that all inventions or buildings follows energy efficiency standards.
  • The university has plans to develop the current buildings for higher energy efficiency.
  • The university has a process to manage carbon and reduce the emitted carbon dioxide.
  • The university has an applicable plan to reduce the consumed energy.
  • The university conducts reviews to identify areas where energy is highly wasted.
  • The university conducts programs for the society regarding the importance of energy efficiency and clean energy.
  • The university provides direct services to the local industry that aims to improve energy efficiency and clean energy.
  • The university informs and supports the government in clean energy and energy efficiency technologies.
Decent work and Economic Growth

The Eight Goal is to enhance the economic, inclusive, and sustainable growth. Also, it enhances full and productive employment. It provides decent work opportunities for all. Economic growth is the main engine that drives the sustainable growth.  When it is inclusive and sustainable, the poverty will be highly eliminated through increasing the employment opportunities. This growth should be environmentally sound to allow future generations to get benefit from the economic growth. The University of Alkafeel seeks for hard work and economic growth:

  • In terms of employing, the university pays the cost of living for its staff and the teaching staff if necessary.
  • The university recognizes the unions and employees' rights, including females and foreign employees.
  • The university has a policy against discrimination inside the workplace.
  • The university is committed to a policy of no forced labor, slavery, human trafficking or child labor.
  • The university guarantees the employee’s right when he/she works with a third party.
  • The university is committed to payroll equality and never discriminates between genders.
  • The university measures the salary scale on the basis of equality between genders
  • The university provides job insurance for the employees for more than 24 months.
Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure

The ninth goal means building strong infrastructure, encouraging inclusive sustainable industrialization, and encouraging innovation. Infrastructure, industrialization, and innovation are considered three engines of economic growth. When implementing all of them, surely, economic growth will be achieved which in turn will support sustainable development. Alkafeel University works to achieve Industry and Innovation in terms of:

  • In terms of industry, innovation and infrastructure, the university supports a lot of researches done about technology, science, engineering, mathematics, medicine, humanities, and community sciences.
  • It has enough number of teaching staff in the disciplines of medicine, technology, engineering, science, mathematics, arts, human studies and social sciences in which they number 195 at Alkafeel University.
  • To encourage innovation, Alkafeel University participated in the Continuing Education Conference at Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University.
  • Alkafeel University also participated in the First International Conference, Smart Baghdad, which was held at Al-Turath University College, in 2021.

Alkafeel University has a research plan of approximately 107 research papers on various topics in sustainable development.

Reduced Inequality

The tenth goal is to reduce inequality within and among countries, ensuring safe, organized, and regular migration, and strengthening the voices of developing countries in the international economic and financial decision-making process. To reduce inequalities, Alkafeel University undertakes:

  • Among the plans of Alkafeel University is receiving an appropriate number of first-generation students at the beginning of each academic year of both genders.
  • Alkafeel University aspires to attract a number of international students from low-income countries with aids
  • Alkafeel University provides an opportunity for disabled students to apply for it.
  • To avoid discrimination, the university tracks admission applications for ethnic minority students, limited income individual, or disabled students.
  • The university holds programs to recruit students or staff from minority groups.
  • The university has a non-discrimination or non-harassment policy.
  • The university has a Committee for Diversity and Equality, an office and/or an employee assigned by the administration or the administrative Council.
  • Alkafeel University advises on the implementation of policies, programs, and training courses related to diversity, equity, inclusion and human rights inside the university campus.
  • The university offers mentoring/counseling/peer support programs to support students, staff and faculty from underrepresented groups.
  • The university provides facilities for people with disabilities.
  • The university provides free access to programs for the disabled individuals.

The university provides programs and plans for disabled individuals.

Sustainable Cities and Communities

The eleventh goal means making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, strong, and sustainable. The world has civilized at an unprecedented pace in 2015 in which almost 4 billion people lived in cities, more than half of the world's population. However, innovative cities serve to boost employment and economic growth. rapid civilization has brought with it enormous challenges, including inadequate housing, increased air pollution, and lack of access to basic services and infrastructure. To achieve this goal, Alkafeel University undertakes:

  • The university provides an access to archaeological and heritage monuments of cultural importance.
  • The university provides public access to libraries that contain books and published research papers.
  • The university provides access to museums, exhibitions, artworks and manual labors.
  • The university provides free access to open and green spaces at the university.
  • The university contributes to the local arts.
  • The university allows employees to work via the Internet, or offer an intensive work week to reduce employee mobility.
  • The university provides housing for employees at affordable prices.
  • The university provides housing for students at affordable prices.
  • The university has priority for pedestrians on campus.
  • The university cooperates with the local authorities to develop housing problems, including ensuring the capacity of the local population.

The university is constructing new buildings that follow sustainable global standards.

Responsible Consumption and Production

The twelfth goal is to ensure the existence of sustainable patterns of consumption and production. This enables the efficient use of resources and can reduce the impact of economic activities on the environment. To achieve this, this goal focuses on decoupling economic growth from resource use, and ensuring that chemicals and hazardous wastes are managed in a way that minimizes their impact on human life and the environment. In this regard, Alkafeel University undertakes:

  • The university has a document on ethical food sources and supplies
  • The university has a document for the disposal of waste and toxic materials
  • The university has a document on waste disposal - to measure the amount of waste sent to landfill and for recycling
  • The university has documents on reducing the use of plastic
  • The university has documents on reducing the use of single-use materials, as these policies or documents extend to include external suppliers and contracted services within the university
  • These policies or documents extend to external suppliers (suppliers of equipment, stationery and building contracts)
Climate Action

The thirteenth goal means taking urgent action to address climate change and its effects. The planet Earth continued to warm in 2016 in which it reached 1.1°C above the level of the pre-industrial period. The proportion of global ice has decreased to 4.14 million square kilometers in 2016, the second lowest on record. Considerable efforts to persevere and to reduce climate-related hazards and natural disasters. To do this, Alkafeel University undertakes:

  • Solar energy is one of the used energy sources in terms of using low carbon energy. 
  • In terms of environmental education, including disaster planning, the university provides educational programs or campaigns that clarify the risks of climate change, adaptation, and reducing impact and early warning.
  • The university has a climate change action plan that it shares with local government or community groups.
  • The university shares the disaster planning of climate change with the government.
  • The university sends the early warning to the local government to warn about the dangers of climate change.
  • The university cooperates with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) on climate adaptation.
  • Supporting aquatic ecosystems through education.
  • The university offer educational programs on the ecosystems (irrigation, water management) with local or national communities.
  • The university offers educational/awareness programs to local or national communities on sustainable management of fisheries, aquaculture and tourism.
  • The university conducts awareness campaigns for the community about illegal, exaggerated and unregulated fishing.
Life Below Water

The fourteenth goal is to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development. The oceans cover nearly three quarters of the planet. They constitute the largest ecosystem on Earth. The increasing negative impacts of climate change, including ocean acidification, over-fishing and marine pollution, are jeopardizing recent gains in protecting parts of the world's oceans. Alkafeel University seek to achieve:

  • In terms of supporting aquatic ecosystems through action, the university organizes events which aim to the conservation and sustainable use of oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, and marine resources.
  • The university works directly (investigates and communicates with the industrial institutions) for the maintenance and extension of ecosystems and the ecological diversity of both plants and animals, in specific, the endangered ecosystem
  • The university works directly (investigates and/or engages with industries) on technologies or practices that enable the marine industry to reduce or prevent damage to aquatic ecosystems.
  • Regarding the disposal of water-critical waste, the university has certain standards and guidelines in the process of water drainage (to protect the ecosystem and wildlife).
  • The university has a plan to reduce plastic waste.
Life on Land

The fifteenth goal is to sustainably protect, renovate, and promote the use of terrestrial ecosystems, manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, and halt biodiversity loss. These serve to minimize the effects of climate change. Also, they provide greater resilience to face human pressures and natural disasters. Healthy ecosystems also produce multiple benefits for the communities that depend on them. The 15th goal focuses on preserving and sustainably using species and ecosystems on land. To achieve this, Alkafeel University undertakes the following:

  • The university's policy is to ensure the sustainability of the available food at the university.
  • The university works directly to preserve and extend the current ecosystems and their biological diversity for animals and plants, especially the threatened ecosystems
  • The university presents educational programs on ecosystems for local communities or at the country level.
  • The university also presents educational or awareness programs for local or national communities about sustainable land management in terms of agriculture and tourism.
  • In terms of supporting terrestrial ecosystems by action, the University has a policy to ensure the protection, renovation, and sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems associated with the university, especially forests, mountains, and drylands.
  • The University has a policy to identify and monitor any of the IUCN Red List species and the species on the National Conservation Lists in areas affected by the University's activities and has the policy to reduce the impact of alien species inside the University.
  • The university collaborates with the local community to unify the efforts to preserve common ecosystems.

Regarding the disposal of water-critical waste, the university has standards for water quality and guidelines for water drainage to protect the ecosystem. It also has the policy to reduce plastic waste and waste in the university.

Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions

The sixteenth goal promotes setting peaceful and inclusive societies, in which no one is marginalized, to achieve sustainable development. It also provides access to justice for all and builds effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions at all levels. Peace, justice, and effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions serve as fundamental issues in sustainable development. The progress in promoting peaceful and inclusive societies is still uneven between and within countries. Violent conflicts have increased in recent years, and several high-intensity armed conflicts have caused large numbers of civilian casualties and displaced millions of people from their homes. The University of the Sponsor for Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions: Goal 16 is to promote peaceful and inclusive societies to achieve sustainable development, provide access to justice for all, and build effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions at all levels. Peace issues are considered Justice and effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions are central to sustainable development. Progress in promoting peaceful and inclusive societies remains uneven between and within countries. Violent conflicts have increased in recent years, and several high-intensity armed conflicts have caused large numbers of civilian casualties and driven millions of people from their homes. Alkafeel University for Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions undertakes the following:

  • In terms of governance, a representative has been elected to represent the highest administrative body at the university.
  • The university recognizes the Students' Union.
  • The university has issued policies and procedures for identifying and cooperating with external stakeholders.
  • The university has voices to recognize and identify stakeholders including the local population, local government, and representatives of the local private civil society.
  • The university has posters which tackle the principles and obligations on organized crime, corruption, and bribery.
  • The university has a policy of supporting academic freedom (the freedom to choose research and teaching fields).
  • The university has posters on the university's financial statements.
  • In terms of contributing in the local and national government, the university provides advices from experts to the local and national government (through a guidance document, participation in committees).
  • The university provides general education awareness, skills development, and capacity building for policy and decision makers.
  • The university conducts policy-focused research in collaboration with government departments as a neutral platform and a 'safe' space for various political stakeholders to come together to openly discuss challenges.
Partnerships for the Goals

The seventeenth goal means strengthening the means of implementation and revitalizing the global partnership to achieve sustainable development. A stronger commitment to partnership and cooperation is needed to achieve sustainable development goals. Achieving the goals will require developing coherent policies, establishing an enabling environment at all levels and among all actors, and revitalizing the global partnership for sustainable development. Achieving the purposes of Implementation targets is essential to achieving the 2030 Agenda, as well as the full implementation of the Addis Ababa Action Agenda. Gradual progress has been made in these areas, but more is needed. To achieve this goal, Alkafeel University undertakes the following:

  • In terms of relationships with NGOs institutions, and local and national government, the university has direct participation or contribution in developing the national government’s sustainable development goals policy which includes identifying problems and challenges, setting policies and strategies, modeling potential future contracts with and without interventions, monitoring interventions. reporting, and enabling adaptive management.
  • The university participates in intersectoral dialogues, for instance, conferences in which the government or NGOs participate.
  • The university cooperates internationally in collecting or measuring the data for the Sustainable Development Goals.
  • The University of Alkafeel addresses the goals of sustainable development through international cooperation, research, reviewing the comparative approach, and developing the best international expertise.

Your university cooperates with NGOs to address the goals of sustainable development through volunteer student programs, scientific research programs, and educational reference development.